Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lock the Bathroom Door - Flash Fiction

Meg was having a nicotine fit and needed a smoke. Her parents were home so she went into the bathroom.

Sitting on the toilet taking that first drag, she felt instant relief.  
She heard a tap, tap on the bathroom door and panic set in. “I’ll just be a minute”, she said.

Quickly she put her hand behind her and was about to drop it into the toilet when her mother walked in to comb her hair.

If I drop it she’ll hear the sizzle of the smoke hitting the water.

Seeming like forever her mother finally left.  Reprieve.  

This week's "Flash Fiction" challenge over at Carrot Ranch is to write in 99 words (no more, no less) about a story that features sound. If you'd like to join us, please follow the link. 

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