Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fantabulous Friday Blog Hop

Friday, what do you mean Friday, it's not Friday yet! I know it isn't but these days if I don't do something when I think about it I usually forget to do it. Blame it on "GOOFY" aka chemo brain.

This past week I've not been feeling the best but hopefully this too shall pass. Normally I'm up at the crack of dawn with the chickens, roosters, before anyone else. I stay up all day until it's time for bed. Not this week, I've been sleeping in till 10 am, taking afternoon naps that last 3-4 hours and then I'm back in bed by 9 pm. When I sleep in I feel as if I've wasted the day. I hate sleeping in. 

One day this week I was working on an article for Squidoo and I got so into writing it that I forgot to eat. When I don't eat that's when trouble starts and I feel like I want to literally puke. Then there's a new thing developing with me. For some reason my foot hurts like hell to walk on. I think it's related to the water retention thing, but who knows. Something else to discuss with my doctors.

I feel like a 90 year old woman complaining all the time and I do apologize if you're getting sick of my himming and hawing.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to have my last chemo treatment of round 4. Well looks like that is not going to happen as when I went to get my appointment last Friday for this Friday I was told that they didn't have any seats available. Like WTF! I'm not looking for concert tickets! So here I sit and wait to hear from the hospital as to when my next appointment is. Gotta love the Canadian Health Care System.

Back to the blog hop that this post was to be about. I'm linking up to abitosunshine for Fantabulous Friday. 

These are a few random shots I took off my balcony one night. 

A cold dark night in January

I'd much rather be in Florida than where I am right now. I think I need to plan a trip soon. 

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