Friday, December 5, 2014

So Much to Be Thankful For This Week

#1. Took Al to the fracture clinic this week and they told him he could start putting pressure on his injured leg and ankle. YEAH! So now he is walking around on crutches and doing quite well. 

#2. His mood has changed drastically and now that he knows the bones have healed he is looking forward to returning to work. 

#3. It will be a little while before he does but I'm looking forward to having my nice quiet days back. 

#4. Started baking on Dec. 1st, and so far have shortbread cookies made. Lots of baking coming up in the for the next few weeks.

#5. I used to like red wine and then it started giving me huge headaches. My sister in law told me about Naked Grape wine and how their red is unoaked. I'm back to loving red red wine again. Not one single headache. Apparently there is tannin in the oak barrels, which can cause headaches for some people. Because this wine is unoaked meaning it is not sitting in an oak barrel, no headaches. 

 #6. Because I've started baking and sampling what I eat, I'm thankful that I like salads so much.  I'm going to need to start living off salads once the Christmas season is over. 

#7. Years ago I bought a tray from Ikea. For the past couple of months this tray has been a godsend to me. Walking up the stairs with three meals a day would have been so much harder without it.

#8. Thank you to my son Matt who this past week siliconed the bathtub for me, went out and bought mouse traps and set them, and is doing a fantastic job of keeping our company going.

#9. Bacon was on sale last week and I bought six pounds of it. Last night I made potato bacon soup.

#10. I was going through a drawer the other day and happened upon Crusty the Clown, and Lisa. Thankful I'm still able to have some fun with these toys. 

What are you thankful for this week? Type it up and link up to any of the following hosts. It's fun, you get to meet some awesome people, and it's not as hard as you think to come up with 10 things for TToT.

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